Erasmus + Financial Support and Scholarships
It is possible to receive Erasmus+ financial support (EMJMD scholarships) for the IMBRSea programme. During the online application process, you can indicate if you wish to apply for an EMJMD scholarship. Once you have been admitted to the programme, you will be informed if you have been selected for a scholarship.
The scholarship covers your participation costs, including your tuition fee and full insurance coverage. It also includes a contribution towards your travel and installation costs, as well as a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the study programme.
The number of scholarships rewarded varies from year to year, with approximately 20 Erasmus+ scholarships awarded annually. These include an average of 3-5 scholarships for students from programme countries and approximately 15-17 scholarships for students from partner countries.
Additional scholarships are added during the course of the year, so be sure to keep an eye on the Erasmus+ Website for additional funding opportunities.
More information about Erasmus+ Financial Support and Scholarships
Check to see whether you are a student from a programme or partner country, via the page on https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/about-erasmus/how-to-take-part
For further details, please check https://www.imbrsea.eu/how-apply under the section Erasmus+ financial support.
For general information about Erasmus+ please see: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/index_en.htm
Note that Applicants must not have benefited previously from an EMJMD scholarship
Erasmus + Mobility Grants
Students can make use of Erasmus+ Mobility grants to support a part of the mobility in the program. These grants are offered via the different participating universities. Regulations, selection success and grant amounts depend fully on each university.
Who is eligible for applying for an Erasmus+ Mobility Grant?
All students enrolled in the program that do not benefit from another Erasmus+ grant are eligible to apply for a grant.
Where should I apply and what are the mechanisms?
Students apply at one of the first year universities for a grant to study abroad during the third semester. In practice students apply at the semester 1 university (Ghent, Algarve, Oviedo, Brest, Ancona or Galway). At each university deadlines and selection mechanisms are clearly different.
Please note that these grants support mobility. Since students apply at the semester 1 university, the grant cannot be obtained in case you study in the same country in the first and third semester.
- Ghent University:
- application deadline is around 15 February
- information sessions are organised by the Faculty at the end of the first semester
- applications are only open to students that are physically taking courses in Ghent
- Success chances are high to very high (> 75 %)
- University of the Algarve
- application deadline is around 1 April
- information is spread via email at the moment of opening of the applications (early February)
- applications are only open to students that are physically taking courses in Faro
- Success chances are high to very high (> 75 %) - selection depends on first semester grades
- You can also apply for the 4th Semester if you already know where your Master thesis research will take place.
- University of Oviedo
- application deadline September - October
- applications are only open to students that are physically taking courses in Oviedo and have an active UNIOVI registration
- Success chances are high (>60%) - selection depends bachelor or first semester grades
- University of Western Brittany (Brest)
- application deadline early April
- applications are only open to students that are physically taking courses in Brest
- Success chances are high (> 60 %) - selection depends on first semester grades
- Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
- application deadline is not clear (dates to be confirmed)
- applications are only open to students that are physically taking courses in Galway
- Polytechnic University of Marche
- application deadline is early April
- applications are only open to students that are physically taking courses in Ancona
More information about Erasmus Mobility Grants
Contact the coordinator or the international relations office of the university you plan to attend.
Useful links:
Erasmus+ Information for Ghent University.
Erasmus+ Information for University of Algarve.
Erasmus+ Information for University of Oviedo.
Erasmus+ Information for University of Western Brittany.
Erasmus+ Information for Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.