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What you will study
Our courses and Study Program. Check our 5 Specialisation Tracks.
IMBRSea Semesters
Check out which modules and courses you will study in each semester.
The course offer might change over time. For the most recent updates, make sure to check the following link:
Ghent University: International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (ugent.be)
Semester One - Fundamentals Module
You will need to choose between one of the starting universties for your first semester, but do not worry: all 1st semester students will study the same subjects (total 30 ECTS).
The fundamental modules, which encompass basic skills and knowledge in Marine Biological Resources are composed of:
Semester Two - Thematic Modules
The thematic modules of Sem 2, also called "Minors", are slighly shorter, with around two months of classes. Applicants should choose one of the thematic modules to study in one of the partner universities during your second semester.
Each Module contains an already determined set of courses totaling (18 ECTS).
- Animal Health (University of Basque Country)
- Marine Living Resources (University of Oviedo)
- Marine Spatial Planning (University of Oviedo)
- Fisheries (University of Algarve)
- Marine Resource Valorization (University of Cote d'Azur)
- Global Change and Functional Biodiversity (Sorbonne University)
- Experimental Marine Ecology (Ghent University)
- Applied Marine Ecology (Marche Politechnic University)
- Marine Conservation (Marche Polytechnic University)
- Fisheries and Fisheries Managemente (University of Bergen)
Semester three - Specialization Modules
For the third semester, students will choose a specialization module, also called "Majors". Each specialization offers different modules in different universities. Students will select one module within the desired specialization.
The available specializations are:
Semester four - Master Thesis
During the fourth semester, students do not take any other courses. They complete their Master Thesis for (30 ECTS).
Fundamental Module Courses
Why not check out which courses you will follow at each of of the six starting universities:
Ghent University, University of Algarve, University of Oviedo, University of Western Brittany, Atlantic Tecnological University or Marche Politechnic University.