Innovation and Entrepreneurship in biotechnology: from science to business
Course Contents
- Creativity and methodologies of innovation
- Bio business strategy
- Starting up a business: options, licensing, strategic alliance, spinouts, start-ups
- Marketing
- Entrepreneurship in biotechnology.
Final Competencies
1 Entrepreneurship skills, including increased capability to start a biotech business.
2 The capacity to recognise the commercial opportunities opened by new biological discoveries.
3 The ability to look at pressing problems from the perspective that these may have a biotechnological solution.
4 The anchoring of transversal skills in communication, team work, project management.
5 The importance of the interactions between teaching-research-entrepreneurship and the concept of ecosystem of innovation.
6 The importance of IP and scientific and technological survey.
7 The need for developing professional networks.
Further course information can be found here: